2018 is right around the corner. Is your HR team ready to start the new year strong? Here’s how to move to electronic employee files and paperless onboarding in 30 days.

It’s that time of the year again. Office life is winding down and staff are thinking about all of the amazing possibilities the new year can bring. Is a more streamlined HR department on your team’s wishlist?
Here’s how to take your Human Resources office paperless in 30 days to start 2018 off strong.
Scan To Cloud Filing
Converting your existing paper files can be a fast and easy process with the right tools. Scan-to-cloud filing systems allow your team to skip many of steps typically found in the traditional conversion process, providing a shortcut to electronic employee files.
Barcode cover sheets can be used to categorize your folders during scanning to automate the conversion of an entire employee folder. As the whole folder is scanned at once, the system knows how to file everything based off the barcode information.
You can also scan a batch of unrelated paperwork to the system and break it down into separate documents for different employees from your computer screen.
Paperless Forms
Most HR departments find that a majority of paper is created from various signature processes. From the initial onboarding packet to ongoing forms like policy acknowledgements and performance appraisals, forms can can be a huge part of an employee’s file.
Moving away from pen-and-paper processes can help alleviate much of hard-copies typically generated in the HR office. Nowadays, online forms, esignatures, and digital workflows are replacing traditional paper-intensive processes.
This can benefit both HR and staff with a more streamlined form-completion process, plus automated filing after signatures.
Easier File Management
Cloud filing systems are extremely popular for electronic employee file storage. Since your files are managed from the cloud, staff can access the documents they need from anywhere, at any time for simplified audits and quicker collaboration.
There’s no longer a need to manually keep track of required and expiring documents in employee folders. A simple audit report ensures your HR team knows exactly which staff are missing certain documents; and which staff have document coming up for renewal in the near future. When an auditor requests documents, simply make the specific files they ask for available to them remotely.
Tired of payroll staff and supervisors asking for copies of files? Simply give them access to just the types of files they should have access to in the system, for the just the staff they oversee.
Start Paperless in 30 Days
DynaFile is a scan-to-cloud filing system for HR departments. Our paperless HR solution has helped companies realize a higher level of efficiency by eliminating hard-copies for over 15 years.
Want to see how it works? Contact us today for a free demo.