HR departments are incredibly busy offices. Is your HR team suffering by using the wrong file management solution?

If current trends are any indicator, this is an extremely busy year for any large HR department. With Baby Boomers leaving many workplaces in droves and the largely unknown Generation Z entering, human resources departments worldwide must poise themselves for change.
Recent statistics show that about 27% of Millennials are currently in management positions, and experts expect that number to increase to 47% in the coming years. In many ways this seems like a change that should happen since Millennials have changed so much of the way we do business as a worldwide culture. In the typical corporate clamor to get Millennials to hand over their money, businesses found they had to change. Millennials helped add value, honesty and transparency to:
- Employer/employee interactions,
- Marketing strategies, and
- Throughout business’ interactions with their communities and the world
Social media is also changing business/employee interactions at record-breaking speeds, and in many ways, will affect human resources departments. Not only are hiring managers using social media platforms to screen potential candidates, they are also using social media to recruit new talent. Essentially, HR departments must keep up as their parent organizations compete in a challenging new marketplace.
For these reasons, and many more, the last thing most HR teams need to keep up with is traditional, paper file management. Sometimes it’s the simplest tasks that can become the biggest time-consumer in your day-to-day office life simply due to the repetition and redundancy required. Now, though, paperless HR solutions like DynaFile provide an easy way for HR departments to eliminate paper files and the need for pen and paper processes.
Companies using DynaFile in the HR department enjoy:
- Quick conversion of your paper files to electronic format via scan-to-cloud filing
- Instant retrieval of files from anywhere, at any time from the secure cloud
- Streamlined onboarding with with online forms, esignatures and online workflows
- File audit reports to ensure all folders are up-to-date with all required documents
- Segmented access features to limit access for different roles, document types and more
If you want to learn more about how your company can save time and money by switching to a paperless system, contact us today. DynaFile has been helping companies go paperless for over 17 years.