Iron out your HR file management strategy now to start fresh in 2020. Your team will thank you!

Now is a good time to start thinking about your employee files. Are documents easy to find when you are audited? Can teams access the files they need from different locations? Is paper still slowing down your current process? Time to get your HR file management strategy ready for 2020.
Compliant Cloud
Not all ‘document clouds’ are created equal. Many are simply a storage place that can become a ‘virtual junk drawer’ instead of an organized, useful system. This can cause compliance issues down the line.
HR document management software is the solution. These systems allow you to consolidate employee documentation in one compliant cloud. Files are indexed and highly organized so you can control access to sensitive types of documents like I-9’s, Medical, and other Confidential records.
Audits now become seamless. Reports keep track of required and expiring documents in staff folders automatically so there is never a scramble in the event of an audit. You can give auditors access to just the files they need to see while eliminating file requests from payroll, location partners, and department managers.
Paperless Shortcuts
If you’re still dealing with paper, a scan-to-cloud document management system can help. HR can digitize existing files fast and easily manage future paper. These filing solutions make going paperless easier by skipping many of the steps in the scanning process.
In order to eliminate paper from the start, your onboarding forms can be completed online, too. Replace a slow signature process with forms in the cloud. Once finished, all signed forms are filed in the new hire’s folder – and labeled – automatically. That means that your audit reports, access rules, and retention schedules start working for you immediately.
Start Fresh In 2020
If you’re looking for a better way to manage employee files, DynaFile can help. Most HR teams are up and running in under 30 days so you can start fresh in 2020. With a shortcut to paperless and lasting compliance advantages, DynaFile is has been helping organizations streamline the HR department for over 20 years. Contact us today to learn more.